This paper introduces the way of measuring the cycle of frequency by making use of timer in the single-chip microcomputer to collect the parameters of frequency. 针对低频频率量,介绍了利用单片机的片内定时器,采用测周法实现频率量采集的方法。
Cycle Timer The Design and Manufacture on a Time Interval Counter 循环定时器时间间隔计数器的研制
But the traditional software time will arise the accumulative error because the time cycle is not considered perfectly, because of the interrupt response time is not confirmed, the error arose by the timer interrupt method is not rooted. 但是传统的软件定时方式由于时钟周期考虑不全容易引起累积误差,而采用定时器中断方式定时由于中断响应周期不确定性而产生的误差更具有非固定性的特点。
The internal modules of slave FPGA equipment mainly include: the VME bus cycle, the interrupt request module, timer module and so on. 从设备FPGA内部模块主要包括本地总线周期,VME总线周期,中断请求器模块,以及定时器模块等。